Friday, 20 March 2009

Finding Hidden Diamonds Using Keyword Research Tools

If you are considering building a website then you definitely need to learn as much about keyword research tools as possible, and to ensure that you receive decent traffic you should make certain your page and site content includes the information that searchers are looking for. To achieve successful site ranking you must fully comprehend the many factors which determine how websites are indexed and positioned. On-page optimization is one of those vitally important factors relating specifically to the keywords you select for the pages of your website; to help find the best and financially most productive keywords most people make use of keyword research tools - a good quality automated tool will conduct keywords research efficiently and quickly.

Search engines rank sites using certain factors, one of the biggest factors being the keywords the site uses. The sites that show up when searchers type keywords or keyword phrases into the search box contain relevant content based on the keywords the searchers have used. However, because most searchers seldom progress past the first page of results you can forget about getting much traffic unless you appear within the first 10 or so; on the first page.

Key factors include but are not limited to: Domain age, the quantity of links pointing to your site or page, on-site optimization (including keywords used) and the number authority sites linking to your site or particular page. Well established sites may seem to have all the above factors working in their favor but by ensuring you utilize the right keyword research tool you can also achieve a good website ranking even on a competitive topic. An additional benefit of using a good keyword research tool is its ability to locate keywords that receive a good level of searches without being too bid competitive.

You should also improve your chance of landing your site on the first page of the search engine results for these keywords simply by building a few backlinks. Sometimes, all you need to do is combine first-rate keywords with outstanding site and page optimization and you can boost your site to the first page of results. Of course, the best keywords research tools are going to cost a little bit of money but the benefits they provide will outweigh these; with a good research tool you should be able to locate keywords you may not have considered, with only 24 hours in a day you can only accomplish so much work yourself and right tool can save you not just time but money.

Because these tools are so unique many contain specialized features and benefits so choose the right one for you; are the added benefits and features worth the extra cost? Alternatively, you may find a tool with more features and benefits than you require, you just have to find one which has fewer, and it might even cost less.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

keyword research tools

Finding The Right Keyword Research Tool

Is increasing your website traffic is on of your goals or perhaps you would like to achieve a good listing in the organic search results. What method will you employ to drive targeted traffic to your website; will it be Pay Per Click?

If the answer to the above questions is yes then you should read further to learn more about the importance of using a good keyword research tool. Generating good rankings in the organic results is becoming more and more difficult; it is almost impossible to obtain good rankings for many words and keyword phrases.

The lifeblood of any website is the traffic but with so many of the most popular words and phrases tied up to long established websites, with links that dominate the search engine organic listings, it can appear an almost insurmountable task.

But you can still achieve website success even if it is located within a competitive market; you simply need to select quality to help you find profit. To explain further, there are certain keywords, known as long tail keywords or keyphrases, which are normally much easier to target because they typically comprise of 3 or more keywords, presenting a bigger target. And the keyphrases are usually not as competitive, an advantage in itself, but more specifically they offer a more explicit search, so if you can deliver the related content you stand a better chance of making money with them. As you are no doubt aware the more words used during a search the more specific the data being searched for and if you can provide that data it will be you that benefits financially.

A good research tool should possess the ability to find you low competition long tail keyphrases; and if you can develop relevant content around these long tail keyphrases you should manage to compete even in fairly contentious subject matter.

But yet again the best type of research tool for the job will cost some money; just remember that the amount you spend will be small compared to the amount of time and effort the laboriously manual research will cost you.

If using Google Adwords to drive quality traffic to your site is something you have considered, then you definitely need to obtain a good keyword research tool.

Typically, most people run their Adwords campaigns through a process of trial and error; bidding on a bunch, watching which words produce results or not and concentrating expenditure on the final selection of productive keywords. But this can wind up becoming quite expensive in the long run and can cost you a significant portion of your overall budget, and no one wants to waste money on worthless words.

A good keyword research tool can be used for your Adwords campaign and actually save you money, some versions can also allow you to legally spy on your Adwords competition. Not only that, it will also tell you which phrases are profitable to your competitors allowing you the luxury of swooping in to cherry pick their profitable phrases after wasting their money on the trial and error selection process.

No matter whether you would like to get traffic from organic or Pay Per Click, the best method is to obtain a good paid research tool. It will save you time and effort; it will help you run more profitably; it should allow you to automate tasks and help you expand and develop your business making it more profitable.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

keyword research

Essential Keyword Research Software To Increase Your Profits

You may not know what you need keyword research software for at all and you may not understand the difference between free and paid for research software.

The environment of the modern internet is constantly changing and evolving and develops rapidly, even daily; the modern internet is immense and your website can easily become lost among the competition. One way to avoid being buried on the last page of a search engine is to carefully identify the relevant searches that relate to your site.

Already mentioned is the very real need to maintain an edge over your competition; this is where research software becomes useful. The free software is good because there are no costs but it will not provide as comprehensive a result as a medium cost paid alternative. Paid keyword research software is developed specifically to assist website construction by finding lucrative words and phrases and gain a complete edge over their competition with minimal hassle and effort.

Free software is all very well but contains limited function and because there is no associated charge and profit there is no motivation to add extra useful features; you may still uncover to odd diamond with a free software tool but you must expect to work through many rocks to find them. Not only will you have to locate the best keywords and phrases, you will also have to ensure the keywords are not too competitive.

The majority of free software does not provide the capability to achieve this; further, you will have to input the words and analyze their competition level manually. As one person you are limited to the amount of work you can get done during your working hours so by taking advantage of Google Adwords tools, you should be able to better utilize your time and efforts.

As with the vast majority of software programs available on the market the paid-for versions offer more comprehensive functionality and extra features as well as automatic free or low cost upgrades. Most paid keyword software will not only present large lists quickly and efficiently, they will also provide analysis on the competition too.

This obviously reduces the waste of time and effort significantly; an even greater benefit available from some of the top of the range paid-for keyword software is the ability to spy on your competition, providing you with information based on profitability, competition and monthly searches.

Most of the successful websites make full use of automated software at every opportunity as it maintains more cost effective use of time, allowing faster research and site completion; faster site completion means the quicker you become indexed, ranked and begin making a return from the money invested in your site.

A true business owner makes investments in their business to help it grow and become profitable. Do yourself a favor and invest in quality keyword research software.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

keyword research

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Search Engine Marketing Using Keyword Analysis Research

Proper keyword analysis research is vital in providing your website with the most relevant content to the criteria submitted by the searcher. Search engines are programmed to identify important and relevant information in relation to searches; if this function fails to work correctly people will stop using that search engine, so one of the most important aspects of getting good rankings and good search engine positions is proper keyword analysis research.

There are two options when conducting keyword analysis research; firstly you can opt to use some of the free tools available, the second option is to spend out on buying some tools.

Of course your choice will come down to how serious you are about obtaining high search engine rankings and how much you can afford to spend getting there. The free tools are perfectly acceptable but you should be aware that they will provide only linear results which means that the keywords and phrases submitted via the free tools will be limited to that word alone. As an example, you could put the word cat into your free tool and the results you get back will relate only to that one keyword; it will not however display any associated words such as kitten which might have been useful to you.

The obvious advantage to using free tools is that they cost you nothing, being simply free to use, but this is also a disadvantage. Important words that would be perfect for your site may be missed because the output of free tools is quite linear and if they do provide you with a synonym it will often be only one word deep. Rather than provide you with a ready selection of keywords it would mean plugging that synonym into the tool and conducting the search again, a process that would become repetitive. The whole process is time consuming enough without complicating things further with more labor intensive preparation work.

If instead you choose to pay for some of the tools to help with your research analysis you should achieve much more comprehensive results as these tools are designed to operate in a non-linear fashion and to thoroughly dig through a word to locate any related keywords and phrases. They will bring up a variety of associated data and information that you may not have considered and will certainly be more productive, uncovering more than using free keyword tools. Using these tools to locate the low competition but well searched keywords and phrases is important as your hard earned money is going to be on the line.

Keyword tools are important in saving you time and money so take advantage as much as possible. They can help locate many associated words you may never have considered, they can also find low competition phrases that hold relevance to your site and they can provide full analysis research by interrogating your word or phrase in a fraction of the time it would take you manually. Their only real disadvantage is the initial cost but if you intend to be serious about generating traffic to your site and developing excellent search engine results the cost should be regarded as negligible.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

keyword analysis research

Essential Use Of Keyword Marketing Research

The function of the search engine is to provide the end user with the most relevant results to the keyword or phrase submitted; in this way they find the pages that contain the most appropriate content in relation to the end users request. It is therefore of paramount importance that you ensure your site is fully optimized for the likely terms your potential website visitor will be using when searching. For this reason keyword marketing research is an important facet of online marketing; without the most suitable keywords and optimized content your site could remain undiscovered.

Try placing yourself in the position of the potential website visitor, what keywords should you aim for? Look at your site content; what would you use as search criteria? What questions would you ask the search engine to track down as a solution to your problem? These are only some of the many questions to consider whilst conducting your keyword marketing research; they are crucial to locate targeted traffic and the success of your website. Creating lists by hand is a way to start but is far from ideal, a much better means of achieving the best results in this area is to use a quality keyword tool; an investment in such a tool can make keyword marketing research almost effortless. With manual research you could be wasting literally hours a day when there is software available that will allow you to conduct your keyword marketing research quickly and efficiently. These types of software really are push button easy.

You must also consider the following two points when choosing the best keywords. Firstly, what level of searches does the keyword receive per month; there is little point wasting your time optimizing your content on a keyword or phrase that receives no more than twenty searches per month. You should instead be selecting a keyword or keyword phrase that receives between a few hundred to a few thousand per month. Secondly, try to identify keywords that have little competition; choosing a highly competitive keyword may result in your site never being found. Search engines are there to provide a service for their users. Their function is to provide the user with the best possible results in relation to the conducted search. You should ensure that you place your site in front of as many of these searchers as possible.

The trick is to rank for the many keywords that achieve hundreds or thousands of searches per month; with little competition these will be far more useful than keywords that get thousands to tens of thousands of searches per month with a lot of competition. The majority of keyword tools will allow you to locate keywords with high monthly search figures; using these tools will mean you can avoid wasting time on optimizing useless or ineffective keywords. But most importantly they will locate the words related to your search that have little or no competition. The keyword marketing research tools that you buy are far more robust and powerful than the many free tools available; if you seriously wish to achieve prominent site ranking and avoid time wasted on optimizing the wrong keywords a good quality keyword tool is essential.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

keyword marketing research

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Get Noticed With Google Keyword Research

One of the most important ways to generate website traffic from Google is by using a keyword tool like Google Adwords; used correctly and in conjunction with some organic traffic development both these methods should provide sufficient leverage to give the highest level of traffic. But whatever method you choose to employ you will still require good Google keyword research

In order to explain properly; organic listings are the websites displayed on the left hand side of the page in answer to the specified keyword or keyword phrase. Many factors contribute to the ranking of each site, though Google remains fairly secretive about the various criteria, but there are certain characteristics that many of the top search results for any particular keyword share.

Domain age is important; the older the site the more trust awarded by Google. The more backlinks to the site, the higher it ranks. Good authority site links are also favored criteria. Also, relevant on-page SEO; the site should display page content related to the keyword submitted by the searcher. Achieving a well ranked site can be difficult especially when using competitive words and phrases so choose them carefully, perhaps select those with low competition. Google keyword research is the key and there are free tools to help, however, many of them will be unable to identify the hidden goldmine of low competition but well searched keyword phrases. Provided your page is optimized for its contained keywords your site will receive traffic and become favorably indexed.

The right hand side of the page is reserved for paid for ads; in this area anyone can buy ads from Google, you simply bid on words you believe will be popular then create an ad, when a search is initiated for that keyword resulting in a click on your ad you pay Google the amount of money that you bid for that particular keyword. Whilst Google Adwords is one of the simplest ways to generate traffic it can prove expensive; clicks on the more competitive words can be costly because many fully commercial companies use this method.

Seasoned advertisers are well aware of exactly which are the most profitable, having dumped the ones which were costing money rather than earning it through a process of trial and error. It is unfortunate but obvious that a lot of money can be spent needlessly bidding on highly competitive words or by bidding on others that receive clicks but fail to convert into sales. Within Google Adwords there are tools that will allow you to find keywords that you might not have considered that not only receive a decent search rate, but have little competition and will therefore cost less.

To avoid being at the mercy of the lengthy trial and error process when searching for the most appropriate phrases you can always get help from Google by using their keyword research software. Some of the Google software is amazing and will actually allow you to steal, with complete legality; the most profitable phrases form your competitors therefore allowing you to bid on low cost but highly profitable keywords.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

google keyword research

Google Adwords Marketing Explained

Simply by using Google Adwords marketing to promote a product or service you can make some easy affiliate money; Google also allows you to bid on selected keywords which when submitted to Google will initiate the display of the appropriate advert on the right hand side of the page. The relative ad position depends on the amount of money you pay when a visitor clicks on the keyword you are bidding on couple with the level of your daily ad budget. Google Adwords marketing will also perform a quality score calculation. In short, the more that you pay to Google per keyword click, coupled with a high daily budget value for your Adwords campaign, the higher up your ad will appear. It is quite possible for someone with a higher quality score value to achieve a superior ad position yet still pay less per click than others.

In answer to the obvious question, the Google Adwords quality score is a means of determining the all important click through rate. A percentage based calculation the click through rate calculates exactly how many clicks your ad has received cross checked against how frequently the ad has been displayed; it is therefore in your own interest to make your ad as interesting as possible to encourage a higher click through rate.

The quality of your landing page also forms part of the Google quality score calculation; this is the page visitors will see once they click on your ad. The greater the relevance this page has to the keyword bid the better, little connection with the keyword you choose to bid on will provide you with a low score in this area therefore contributing less to your quality score.

Also, while using Google Adwords marketing, Google will also factor the suitability of your ad in relation to the search as part of your quality score. If your ad displays significant relevance to the search terms specified it will gain a high score and contribute considerably to the overall formula and improve your quality score. A low relevance rating to the search terms employed will lower the values in this part of the formula and also your quality score.

Getting used to Google Adwords marketing can be difficult; there are many factors they take into consideration without explanation and it is recommended that you become familiar with the various tips and tactics before you run any type of Adwords campaign. Using the right low cost software to locate profitable keywords is worth consideration

Using Google Adwords Tools can make life easier by getting your website noticed and generating a steady stream of traffic. Ensuring your site is properly search engine optimized is one way to achieve this along with building a steady supply of backlinks from authority sites. If you are unable to optimize your site in this way either through lack of time or knowledge then Google Adwords may be right for you, it may seem a little complicated but it still beats learning search engine optimization as well.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

google adwords

Understanding Google Adwords Keywords

The concept of Google Adwords might seem fairly simple initially; by bidding on a selection of Google Adwords Keywords, waiting for the ads to run you then receiving masses of visits making you lots of money. It certainly sounds great, right?

The fact is Google Adwords can be lucrative and can be used for selling your own products or services; you can also use the program to promote an affiliate product. Because the Google Adwords program has a reputation for being lucrative and successful you should certainly give it your consideration however there are also tales of individuals losing sums of money through its use as well. Reading this article will help avoid any losses by making a good start.

The vital aspect of using this program is to select the proper Google Adwords Keywords to bid on; if you pay for clicks that fail to convert into sales then you might find yourself in a little financial trouble. The most cost effective method is to locate profitable Google Adwords Keywords and discard the surplus items that fail to perform.

Some information suggests that you can make a fortune with a 'set and forget' system with Google Adwords, this is untrue; at least, not at first. Once you make your Google Adwords Keywords selection that you wish to bid on, you need to keep your eye on them for a couple of reasons. Firstly, if Google detects that your ad fails to receive sufficient clicks in comparison to the exposure it receives, they will cease running that ad. The second reason, mentioned briefly above, is that if you are bidding on Google Adwords keywords that are generating plenty of clicks that do not convert well, this must be rectified.

Prior to commencing your campaign you should create landing pages on your site for each keyword or group of related keywords. Each page should also display tracking statistics so that you can identify which keywords are driving people to your site and resulting in sales, this would also help you to determine which Google Adwords keywords you need to look at more closely.

Ads that fail to convert to sales are not always an indication that there are problems with the keyword; the ad itself could be the real problem. It may be there is a hitch with the copywriting on your landing page or the layout of the page; alternatively you may be losing sales because there is another link on the page that visitors are clicking instead of the buy link.

Certainly it can be tricky to know exactly what Google Adwords keywords will be most profitable against those of probably no value in terms of return. A sensible suggestion to guard against losing money is to properly consider the use of software to automate this process and focus on the profitable keywords, this way with a little financial outlay you will considerably reduce your chances of losing money with Google Adwords.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

google adwords keywords

Monday, 16 March 2009

Simple Steps To Adwords Keyword Research

Among the many efficient ways to direct targeted traffic to almost any website is by using Google Adwords, an extremely profitable program when used correctly. Google Adwords is perfect to use for generating interest if you have your own products or services to sell; alternatively it can be useful if you are advertising as an affiliate.

Prior to setting up your Google Adwords campaign, you should understand that whilst the program possesses many advantages there are also some disadvantages. Google Adwords is a pay per click program meaning you will have to pay for every click that site visitors make on one of your ads so if you fail to target the right keywords with your ads you might end up be wasting money. In order to avoid this unnecessary expenditure it is essential that you conduct proper Adwords keyword research before commencing your Adwords campaign.

Far from being the most exciting phase of your online marketing strategy, Adwords keyword research will prove itself to be one of the most important. Rushing through this stage of preparation to get the campaign up and running is extremely tempting but should be avoided; you should instead achieve a balance between conducting proper research and becoming paralyzed by the weight of this analysis. Rushing into an Adwords campaign is unwise, but equally unwise is excessive keyword analysis bogging you down.

Adwords keyword research is quite similar to other aspects of internet marketing activities and, like many other areas of internet marketing it can be accomplished in one of two ways. Research of this kind can be achieved by the use of automating software; alternatively you can conduct your keyword research using a manual process.

Which type of Adwords keyword research is right for you: Manual or automated?

Your choice here will depend on two factors, the first of which is the amount of time available to you, the second consideration being the financial cost of your research. Manual keyword research is mostly free but can be extremely repetitive, labor intensive and of course time consuming.

Alternatively by using an automated software method to perform your keyword research it can take almost no time at all; almost as simple as pushing a few buttons. The obvious downside is the cost of such software, so if you have more time than money the manual keyword research may be your best option. On the other hand the automated option for conducting Adwords keyword research is worth consideration if you have the necessary money but perhaps little time.

So remember, Google Adwords is among the best means of producing targeted traffic for your website but can be quite costly. Avoid wasting money on futile clicks by conducting proper Adwords keyword research prior to commencing your Adwords campaign. For the most viable way to do your Adwords keyword research select a relatively low cost automated tool rather than choosing manual research which is both tedious and time consuming.

For tips on keyword research and keyword research software visit:

adwords keyword research